Ayurveda & Women's Wellness
Holistic Wellness Support & Rejuvenating Ayurvedic Treatments For All Women
Women's Wellness With Ayurveda
The goal of Ayurveda is to maintain health and prevent dis-ease, by considering the entirety of the individual - the body, mind, and spirit. Each woman is unique; therefore, unique recommendations are given, based on individual dosha - prakriti and vikruti.
Personal Wellness Support
Step 1
Consultation & Diagnostic Session - 2.5 hours
This appointment will determine various factors about your individuality and lifestyle. We will do a complete dosha diagnosis, toxin diagnosis, and note any specific issues.
Step 2
Report of Findings Discussion & Personal Wellness Plan - 1 hour
You will receive an individual report outlining results of the diagnostic session. We will discuss the best way to optimize your wellness and create a personal wellness plan, based on Ayurvedic reccomendations.
Step 3
Follow Up Appointments - Varies Based on Individual
Based on your needs and how you decide to proceed with your personal wellness, you may choose to book follow up treatment sessions which will vary in time. Some treatments options include: panchakarma, udvartana, & abhyanga.